$ whoami



$ cat readme.txt

Hello, Friend. ctf101 is an introductory workshop that teaches systems and web security. Try your hand at pwning a system with our hands-on exercises!


$ stat ctf101.bin

This event is open to everyone. Please register at this link. Lunch will not be provided so please do come on a full stomach.


$ where ctf101

NUS, School of Computing, Seminar Room 1, 13 Computing Drive, Singapore 119613


$ date

9 & 10 September 2017
1pm to 6pm on both days


$ cat reminder

Registration will open at 12.30pm.

Please do bring a laptop (fully charged, please!) with the following done before the event:

  1. Install Ubuntu 16.04 and above. You can either install it on your laptop natively or install it in a virtual machine. If you need help, you can refer to this tutorial.

    Note: If virtualbox gives you an error telling you that VT-x/AMD-V isnt enabled, follow the tutorial below to enable it. Steps may vary depending on your BIOS version.

  2. Install the following packages:

    1. gcc-multilib
    2. build-essential
    3. gdb
    4. curl

    Open up the terminal and run the following command to install the above packages:
    sudo apt install -y gcc-multilib build-essential gdb curl
  3. Install Google Chrome

  4. Install the EditThisCookie Chrome Extension
You may view a map of the location at this link.

See you there!


$ id nusgreyhats

NUS Greyhats is a special interest group designed to spark students’ interest in information security and advance the level of security proficiency towards the aim of contributing to the growing need for cyber defenders in the government and private sectors.

You may e-mail us here.


$ imgcat poster.png